The 23rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks

ICCCN 2014

Shanghai, China

August 4 - August 7, 2014

ICCCN 2014 – Track on Data Centers and Big Data Computing (DCBC)

Given that the rate at which data is being generated is doubling faster than our computational capability with respect to Moore's Law, data centers and their associated networks and infrastructure have become critical aspects in scaling up computational capability to keep pace with this data deluge. As such, this track invites submissions in the following areas, including, but not necessarily limited to.

Track Topics

Track Organizing Committee

Track Chairs:

Track Technical Program Committee:

Important Dates

Abstract Due February 24, 2014
Paper Due March 3, 2014
Acceptance Notification April 23, 2014
Camera Ready DueMay 12, 2014

Submission Link

Please note the submission guideline (Author) for ICCCN 2014.

Submission link on EasyChair: