International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks

ICCCN 2013

Nassau, Bahamas

July 30 - August 2, 2013

ICCCN 2013 – Track on Grid and Cloud Computing (GCC)

Driven by rapid advances in processing, communication and systems/middleware technologies, Grid and Cloud are emerging as dominating paradigms and platforms for computation and data in academia as well as industry. Grids enable the sharing of distributed computing and data resources such as processing, network bandwidth and storage capacity to create a cohesive resource environment for executing distributed applications, while Clouds provide elastic, on-demand as-a-service access to compute, data, and software resources. The Grid and Cloud track of the ICCCN conference aims to explore the key research issues underlying these paradigms and their use, and welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research. Topics of interest range from architectures and enabling technologies, programming models, systems and tools, management structures and policies, performance modeling and management, security and privacy, algorithms, network and storage, applications and experiences, and associated legal, regulatory, and social issues.

Track Topics

Track Organizing Committee

Track Chairs:

Track Technical Program Committee:

Important Dates

Paper Due (Extended Deadline) March 3, 2013 (firm)
Acceptance Notification April 15, 2013
Camera-Ready Due May 13, 2013
Registration Due

Submission Link

Please note the submission guideline ( for ICCCN 2013.

Submission link on EDAS: